
Christian Radicals


In an age of chaos and violence it can be confusing for the believer. What is the proper response to evil? What about mass shootings? What about groups like ISIS who slaughter thousands of people? Many times we are driven by fear and vengeance. Two things that scripture clearly says should not be our motivation. We have been studying in Hebrews chapter 11, where those of faith were persecuted, sawn in two, tortured for their faith, and yet they kept their testimony intact. They did not see this world as their home. They were strangers and foreigners in a strange land.

It’s a far cry from, “kill them all and let God sort them out,” or, It’s God’s job to judge them. It’s my job to send them to meet Him.” I do not believe God has given us that job. I simply cannot imagine Jesus, or Paul, saying something like that.
God’s Kingdom is not man’s Kingdom. Frankly, they do not even resemble each other. In this culture, Christians often want to mix nationalistic bravado with Kingdom principles and come up with a compromise. God hates compromise.

So what is the scriptural response to evil? To what Kingdom do we owe our full allegiance? What are the principles of that Kingdom? This message is an attempt to ask the right questions, and look to the Bible for the answers.

Here is a link to the video referenced during the message. Please copy and paste into the web address of your browser


Dec 6, 2015
Current Events
Matthew 5:38-47; Romans 12:14
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