
8 hate attacks on the traditional values of a Christian marriage: 5/8 - Abortion


In this 5th of 8 sermons on 8 hate attacks against the traditional values of Christian marriage, in the 1st part of the sermon Gavin considers some general matters e.g. Maccabean Jurisprudence of relevance to all 8 hate attacks. In the 2nd part of the sermon, Gavin addresses the 7th issue of abortion. He says, "abortion's a double-barreled shot-gun...one of the abortion slaughter's shot-gun barrels attacks the sanctity of human life...[and] its second shot-gun barrel attacks the sanctity of marriage by attacking the reproductive cycle which is designed by God to be inside of marriage." Gavin considers Exod. 21:22,23, & notes it says if an attacker assaults a man, & in the attack hurts the man's pregnant wife, & "her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow," so she has a premature birth of a healthy baby, then under this Jewish civil law he was to pay a fine; but "if any mischief follow" i.e. this induces a miscarriage & the unborn child dies, "then thou shalt give life for life." Thus abortion here attracts the death penalty for murder (Gen. 9:6; Rev. 13:10), because the attacker has chosen to take responsibility for any death that follows from that attack. And so in God's law abortion is a capital crime. But Gavin also notes that where the abortion is accidental e.g. a car accident, then it should be treated as manslaughter, & so not attract the death penalty. Gavin also refers to II Kgs 24:4, where Manasseh "filled Jerusalem with innocent blood which the Lord would not pardon;" and says those politicians, judges, academics, media people, abortionists etc. involved in the abortion slaughter "might have, & I suspect probably have, committed an unpardonable sin."

Nov 14, 2013
Exodus 21:23; Genesis 9:6
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