
The Constant of God


The movement of the Christian life is not a struggle upward to advance some line of holiness that we make by our own efforts. The movement of the Christian life is downward, like an eagle landing in nest or a place of rest, we come down from the greatness of God and His salvation freely given to us into a settled life of loving response to Him. A life empowered by that same God living in us and with us; empowered by that salvation transforming us from within. And so our obedience is just grace played out, it is mercy celebrated.

The passage we have just read is a perfect example: The applications here are in two directions – what you are not to act upon and what you are to act upon. You are not to act out of covetousness (wanting more of what others have). You are to act out of contentment and courage. But before you act you are to take note of where your action begins. It begins with a promise God has made.

Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Service
Hebrews 13:5-6
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