
James: The Brother of Our Lord

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We have been doing a series along the last few months on Sunday nights from a book that I wrote called Twelve Unlikely Heroes, and it is a book that is designed to demonstrate what God can do with very unlikely, very flawed, very weak people. We have gone through a long list and we only have a few more. Tonight we're going to be looking at James, the brother of our Lord, and then next Sunday night we'll look at the final two: Mark who wrote the gospel of Mark, and Onesimus--Onesimus being a runaway slave, and their lives intersected in a most remarkable way.

Certainly James, the brother of our Lord, is an unlikely hero. And he is in a spiritual sense a hero. We're talking about spiritual heroism that is amazing and powerful, spiritual impact and influence that extends far beyond what one would assume based on what we know to be true about a certain individual. We're talking about spiritual heroism being used mightily of God. . . .


Jun 6, 2016
TV Broadcast
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