
I Have a Question For You


What World System Is Against Christ And His Kingdom?

 There have been many kingdoms down through history that have been opposed to God and His people.  We know it all began in heaven when Lucifer said I will arise

and be like the most high. But what world system today is most apparently coming
against Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word the Bible?

 It should be readily apparent with Pope Francis recently addressing the Congress of

the United States, the United Nations, the State of Israel and many other nations that the world system which is most powerful and coming against Christ and His Kingdom is the Papacy.

 Many who call themselves Protestants today won't even as much as register a voice against this world system. Where are the protests today of a system that murdered, raped and tortured literally millions of Bible believing Christians down through history?

 How has the Roman Catholic Church been able to come back with such power and political influence around the world?
  1. The principle way was through the military order of the Roman Catholic
    Church called the Jesuits who now are considered the single greatest
    political power over all governments of the world.
  2. Because of the melt down of moral absolutes by these moral perverts
    our society is crying out “Give Us A King.”
  3. And because of their demand to put a leader on the world stage Pope
    Francis fits the bill for the massive population of the world's demand for a King.
Nov 6, 2015
Sunday Service
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