
On The Death of Castro


On The Death of Castro

What do we say on Fidel Castro’s death?

We can recite the words of Proverbs 11:10? "When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish,there is glad shouting.”

I want to consider three things from our text in light of Fidel Castro’s death.

  1. The Occasion of the passage.

What occasion? Luke wrote as a historian, and he was careful with details, location
and context. Jesus had been talking to the multitudes about judgment. Judgment
against the Pharisees’ greed, judgment against worldliness and the immediate context
is Jesus’ indictment of the leaders for not recognizing the signs that showed He was
Messiah, hence He warned about God’s impending and everlasting judgment on sin.

  1. The Events on the text.

a) Pilate’s cruelty: Like Fidel Castro, Pilate is a very controversial figure;

b) A terrible fate: Jesus – an Eastern wisdom teacher - answered with a question. 2 And He answered and said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered this fate?

  1. The lessons of the narrative

a) We are not any better than ...

b) Judgment is dispensed by a relenting and patient God.

c) However, Judgment is irremissible

d) If we have escaped God’s Judgment, others’ judgments should sober us

Nov 27, 2016
Sunday School
Luke 13:1-9
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