
The Christian Citizen in a Year of Clear Choices


This Tuesday our nation will go to the polls to select our leaders. Our process for the orderly transition of power by the voice of the people, while imperfect and even threatened, is still the model for the free world. Yet some Christians are opting out of the process! Refusing to make any choice at all, or any choice that will make a real difference. In 2016 25% of Christian voters didn't go to the polls…25 million votes! Christian, this morning I want to urge you to participate in the process. I want to argue from Scripture that you need to vote based on issues instead of (despite) individuals.

I believe that voting is the Christian's responsibility. Here is what we'll examine this morning as we apply Scripture to Election 2020:

  1. What does the Bible teach about the Christian citizen in secular society? We will survey the key NT texts on the Christian's civil duty.

  2. What are the issues that demand our attention and action, and what does Scripture say about them?

Nov 1, 2020
Sunday - AM
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