
Westminster Shorter Catechism (1648) - The Westminster Assembly Of Covenanted Divines


Concerning the Westminster Shorter Catechism, which is one of the items also included in this book, Mitchell, in his Westminster Assembly: Its History and Standards, notes: "...it is a thoroughly Calvinistic and Puritan catechism, the ripest fruit of the Assembly's thought and experience, maturing and finally fixing the definitions of theological terms to which Puritanism for half a century had been leading up and gradually coming closer and closer to in its legion of catechisms" (p. 431).

Richard Baxter said of Westminster Shorter Catechism, "It is the best Catechism I ever saw -- a most excellent sum of the Christian faith and doctrine, and a fit test to try the orthodoxy of its teachers."

This book represents Reformed thinking at its purest and best. It was intended, as part of the covenanted reformation taking place during its compilation, to be adopted as the binding confessional standard for every individual, family, school, court, church, and legislature in the British Isles -- and all the King's dominions (including Canada, the United States, Australia, etc.). The Westminster standards were produced in fulfillment of the Solemn League and Covenant, an international covenant with God and some of the most powerful nations on earth at the time of its publication. This covenant and these standards were produced to provide the blueprint for all levels of society to come into obedience to the Word of God in its fullness.

Book available at web link below.

Aug 8, 2000
John 13; Luke 1:4
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